segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2010

12 Km Blindfolded Stride

One step after the other, and practice makes it perfect.

To stand the body requires to lie in two sides balance, to walk is to lose and reclaim such balance.

In entering the movement, you lose what had let you be in stillness, otherwise only failure would sprout in fruiting from such attempt.

To let your sense of stability be blown away, even if torn into pieces, or burnt into ashes, is to be in touch with the movements which took place in your radius of perception.

Through practice and measurement you can catch the image of a destination, or even a landing and settling off in that kinetic phenomenon


Um passo após o outro, e a prática leva à perfeição.

A uma devida postura, seja para um bom cavalheiro, seja para uma boa dama, é uma postura equilibrada e uma postura inclinada à conduta e aos pensamentos de tais belezas.

blergh nem to afim de fazer uma versão em português disto. D:

mas valeu o registro

/philosophical post end

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